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Give Your Career (and Life) A Boost That Will Last A Lifetime

CyberforSEC® Global Leadership Programme (CGLP) is the first and only Zero2Hero programme to produce the CITEOs (Chief Information And Technology Officers) of the future. CITEOS are specially selected (from applications) and trained CyberforSEC® Leaders who have the highly sought-after ability to


How To Finally Get a Business-Technology Mentorship Without The Long Road Of Endless Paper Chase and Short-lived Industry Certifications?

The CGLP follows the same Alvin Lam Wee Wah’s philosophical leadership approach in personal mentorship. Unlike academic programmes which are usually more theoretical than operating in an “on the fire” condition, the CGLP takes a radically different approach to learning by forging a lifelong mentoring relationship with Alvin rather than going after the usual route of paper-chase academic products. Yet, the CGLP is not meant to be a one-off “Industry certification” which often feed into the commercial agendas of the vendors for their own investors’ gains. Rather, the CGLP is designed specifically to help the individual in solving the actual issues that faces the new-economy practitioner daily. It is with such unspoken demand that CGLP was born. Out of necessity because no one wants to do the toughest, yet meaningful work which we do.

  • No more paper chase!

  • No more product certifications!

  • No more developing career without a direction!

"Current and aspiring cybersecurity people who are responsible for digital assets protections and lead their organisation’s cybersecurity strategy would be able to see the CGLP as the logical choice to build themselves up with an assurance of excellence. Because the CyberforSEC® Global Leadership Programme is a 48 weeks mentorship programme (3 hours online weekly) designed with leadership in mind, people with or without cybersecurity background are eligible to apply for a place in the programme (subject to our selection). Only graduates of CGLP can gain access to the collective insights in the CGLP community. On top of that, top achievers within the community would be selected for a yearly 3-days Masterclass whenever it is available."


Founder, CyberforSEC Global Leadership Programme

The Only Business-Technology Leadership Membership That Matters

Here's how your investment can be 10x or more! Skills Including (*subject to real time changes)

  • CFS Leadership Mindset

  • Transformational Change

  • Strategy, Agile Leadership

  • CyberSecurity & Intelligence

  • Digital Business Strategy

  • Design & Innovation Thinking

  • 10 Realtime Bonus Workshops

  • CFS Leadership Technology Skills

  • Digital Transformation

  • Computer Network and Defense

  • Ethical Hacking

  • PenTesting and Methods

  • Computer Forensics

  • 10 Bonus Skills Topics

  • CFS Leadership Income

  • Computer Security

  • Technopreneurship

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Blockchain Technologies

  • Cloud Computing & IoT

  • 10 Bonus Monetizations

Apply for CyberforSec Global Leadership Programme

What Insights Alvin Lam's Graduates have gain...

Jekamiah Chia

Cybersecurity Specialist

Sugi Handoko

President Director of PT Mitra Investindo Tbk


Sales Manager, Pharmaceutical Multinational Company 

Issac Lock

IT Project Manager

And more leaders getting results from Alvin's System.

Neil Simon Abbott

Executive Director, Global Head Technology, Financial Crime Surveillance Operations Transaction Monitoring, S.C. Bank

Christian Macatulad

Information Systems Security Analyst, INTERPOL

Ananthababu Chellaswamy

Application Development Manager, Accenture

Elvin Soh Soon Thong

CEO, Hoga Iyota Communications & Technology (s) Pte Ltd

Valuable Insights (money cannot buy) from Alvin

Sundram Letchemee

Head Of Department ICT, Tanjong Katong Primary School

Cindy Cheong

Sales Manager, Beauty Industry

Sunny Yong

Educational Business Owner

Vincent Emmanuel Lee

CEO, Huper Group of companies

If Only You Could Secure A Place To Learn From Alvin's Insights That Could Change Your Life Forever

Sustainable Skills That Last Beyond Technology

Alvin has helped more than 50,000 individuals and businesses achieve career and business success in over 30 countries. Results that have everlasting impacts.

  • Critical Life Skills that schools are unable to teach due to their lack of Real Interest in Your Success

  • Mindsets that actually work so that you will thrive in good and bad times 

  • "On the fire" Technology Experience From 'Ground to The Board' That Money Cannot Buy

Alvin's one and only goal will be to work with you and strategize a system that can take you to the next level with insane outcomes in life and career.

Paying IT Forward Where The Heart Connection Is, As Always!

Chin-Hsien Cheng, Researcher, Nanyang Technological University

Jason Tee Yong Heng, Former Governor, Toastmasters International

Act Now to Secure Your Seat in Alvin's Mentorship

Amey Parulkar

Customer Success Specialist at Splunk

Mohd Saad Khan

Cyber Security Specialist


IT Sales Specialist

Anthony Woon

Business Finance Director, CCTS



At CyberforSEC Global Leadership Program (CGLP), we believe in clarity and transparency. It's important to understand what our program is not, so you can make an informed decision.

  • Not a Paper Chase

  • Unlike traditional academic programs that emphasize theory over practical application, CGLP is not about endless paper chases or industry certifications. We don't focus on filling your resume with certificates; instead, we concentrate on equipping you with real-world skills.

  • Not Just for Cybersecurity Experts

  • While CGLP covers cybersecurity and related fields, it's not exclusive to individuals with a cybersecurity background. We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds, as our program is designed to cultivate leadership skills that are valuable in various industries.

  • Not a One-Off Industry Certification

  • CGLP is not a one-and-done industry certification. It's a lifelong mentorship program that fosters a lasting relationship with Mentor Alvin Lam Wee Wah and his Expert Team. Our focus is on addressing the actual challenges faced by new-economy practitioners daily, not just providing a certification.

  • Not About Career Development Without Direction

  • We understand that career development without a clear direction can be frustrating. CGLP is not just about advancing your career; it's about helping you find your path to meaningful and impactful work in the new economy.

  • Not Pure Commercially Driven

  • Unlike some programs driven by commercial agendas, CGLP is driven by a commitment to excellence and mentorship. Our goal is to empower individuals to tackle real-world issues, not to serve the interests of vendors or investors.

    CGLP is a unique opportunity to develop leadership skills, gain insights, and become part of a community dedicated to excellence. Apply now to embark on a transformative journey with us.


IS ...

The CyberforSEC Global Leadership Program (CGLP) is a groundbreaking initiative designed to shape the future leaders of the digital era. It stands as a beacon of innovation, empowerment, and lasting impact. Here's what CGLP represents:

  • A Zero2Hero Transformation

  • CGLP is the pioneering Zero2Hero program that takes individuals from various backgrounds and molds them into the Chief Information and Technology Officers (CITEOs) of tomorrow. It's a transformative journey that empowers you to rise to the top of your field.

  • Self-Leadership Mindset

  • CGLP instills a self-leadership mindset that empowers you to navigate complex challenges with confidence. You'll learn not just what to think but how to think, fostering a mindset that leads to success.

  • Mission-Oriented Excellence

  • The program equips you with mission-oriented strategies, ensuring that you can set clear objectives and achieve them effectively, even in the most challenging circumstances.

  • In-Depth Problem Solving

  • Unlike academic programs that may focus on theory, CGLP addresses real-world issues faced by new-economy practitioners daily. It's about practical problem-solving and actionable strategies.

  • Inclusivity Across Backgrounds

  • CGLP welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds. Whether you have a cybersecurity background or not, you have the opportunity to join our program and thrive.

  • Access to an Exclusive Community

  • Graduates of CGLP gain access to a thriving community of like-minded professionals. You'll have the chance to collaborate, share insights, and continue your growth journey. In fact, you'll also gain the opportunity to be involved in the Ecosystem of Massive Wisdom Group & Partners as you level up.

  • Lifelong Mentorship with Alvin Lam

  • CGLP is not about short-term certifications; it's about forging a potential lifelong mentoring relationship with Alvin Lam Wee Wah, and his Expert Team. You'll gain insights and guidance that extend far beyond the duration of the program.

If Only You Could Secure A Place To Learn From Alvin's Insights That Could Change Your Life Forever

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Heartfelt Words From Mentees Just Like You.

Dear Mentor Alvin Lam Wee Wah,

 “I want to offer special thanks to my research supervisor, Mr. Alvin Lam Wee Wah, for giving many helpful recommendations during the entire preparation and development of this paper. I took some strategic decisions to refine the topic, research methodology and content creation after my supervisor’s valuable feedback. I am so happy with the outcome of the paper and feel so lucky to have you as my supervisor. Thanks a ton for helping me throughout. Yes, let's catch up soon when you get a chance. Thank you!” Shijo Akkanath Sunny, Research Topic – Closing The Security Operations Gap with XDR: The New Cyber Security X Factor, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. RSA Security, Senior Practice Consultant.


“I would like to thank my dissertation supervisor Mr. Alvin Lam Wee Wah, for providing timely feedback and all the support in helping towards completing this dissertation. I would like to appreciate your time, patience and guiding me through this process with your expertise.” Manoj Kumar Balakrishnan Pankajakshy, Research Topic - Network Intrusion – Early Detection and Prevention, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Associate Director, Julius Baer.


“I want to thank my Dissertation Supervisor Mr. Alvin Lam Wee Wah for his support and guidance in the dissertation process.” Arul Victor s/o Rajamani, Master of Science in Cyber Security, Research Topic - Threats Posed by Human Element in Cyber Security and the Effectiveness of Existing Countermeasures, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Operations Executive at Raffles Girls' School.


“I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude my dissertation supervisor Mr. Alvin Lam Wee Wah for giving me all the guidance and support throughout this period. Mr. Alvin Wee Wah’s insights and knowledge on the subject matter steered me through this dissertation.” Upanath Pathum Joseph Wanasundera, Research Topic – How to identify insider threats by implementing a risk-based scoring system, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Senior CERT Specialist APAC, Group-IB.


“2021 has been filled with uncertainties due to the COVID pandemic and the military coup in my country, Myanmar. I haven't met my family in nearly two years, and I'm not sure yet when I can see them again. However, I applied this Master’s degree as I want to continue my academic journey with my specialize subject. Firstly, I would like to thank my mentor and supervisor, Alvin Lam Wee Wah, who has supported me throughout my dissertation. I'm positive that I would not have met the standard requirements without his guidance.” Ye Yint Min Thu Htut, Research Topic - Identifying Potential Threat Actors for Financial Sector in ASEAN, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Vice President (Cyber Security), DBS Bank.


“I would like to share my sincere appreciation to Mr Alvin Lam Wee Wah for guiding me through my dissertation, without him I am certain I would not have accomplished this paper. I am very appreciative of his patience towards me and his timely reminders. It never easy managing adult learners with their own busy work schedule. Much obliged to you Sir!” Naseer Khan Bin Abul Hassan, Topic Research - The Importance of Early Cyber Security Education as part of National Education Programme, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Company Commander and Trainer, Ministry of Defense, Singapore.


“A special thanks to my dissertation supervisor Alvin Lam Wee Wah for his patience and guidance on the strategic direction and continuous discussion and feedback on my research. The motivational discussion on our first meeting inspires me on notwithstanding work and family commitments.” Pang Loo Yuan Elton, Topic Research - The Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness and Risk Management Strategy in Organisations, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Regional Head Service Operations, VPRegional Head Service Operations, VP, Pico. Co-Founder & CEO. Co-Founder & CEO, International Bicycle Film Festival Singapore.


“I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my Supervisor Prof. Alvin Lam Wee Wah. I appreciate his concern, dedication, and patience for going through this work from the initial stage. I am also thankful for all his suggestions and comments that helped me add value and knowledge to this piece of work and bring a new perspective to my thoughts.” Gnana Hepzibah Valantin, Research Topic - A Survey of Security in Software Defined Network, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London.


“I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof Alvin Lam for the patient guidance and advice. I have been extremely lucky to have a supervisor who guided me to reach to the university standard paper directly. He also responded to my questions and provided necessary information so promptly. Without his guideline and encouragement, I may not be able to complete this dissertation module and can face a lot of difficulties.”, Aye Hein Zayar, Research Topic - Advanced Threat Hunting with EDR, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cybersecurity Ethical Hacking Bounty Hunter.

“This dissertation paper could not have been possible without close guidance and support from my supervisor, Mr. Alvin Lam Wee Wah. I would like to thank him for his expert advice on the current affairs matters, research methodologies and dissertation writing techniques. His patience and attention to detail has refined my work while improving myself along the way.” Sundram Letchemee, Research Topic - Using Facial Recognition or Biometric Login for young learners in Primary Schools, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Head Of Department ICT, Tanjong Katong Primary School


“Without my present supervisor, Mr Alvin Lam supervising and correction into the precious ingredients, I might able to finish my dissertation, I greatly saluted and show all my respects in him”, Soh Soon Thong, Research Topic - The Blockchain-Governance Policy with Assurance for NFT, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. CEO, Hoga Iyota Communications & Technology (S) Pte Ltd.


“I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and thanks to my supervisor Mr. Alvin Lam for his consistent support and guidance during this research project. Whose guidance and encouragement throughput the process immensely helped me to successfully complete the dissertation work. Furthermore, his guidance during the module lectures was greatly helpful for my career and personnel life.” Mohamed Riyal Mohamed Rifdhy, Research Topic - Zero Trust Architecture in Internet of Things, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cyber Security Enthusiast.


“I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of my supervisors, especially Mr. Alvin Lam, without whom this dissertation would have been a monumental undertaking to accomplish. His advice led the way for me not only in terms of the theme, but also in terms of the tiny nuances of presenting this dissertation. As a result, I was able to refine the granularity of this dissertation thesis from both a technical and a presentable standpoint.” Mohd Saad Khan, Research Topic - Security Operation Center Challenges and Development, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London.


“I would like to acknowledge and give my “Immense Thanks” to my supervisor Prof. Alvin Lam who made this work possible. His encouragement, guidance, attention, and advice carried me through all the stages of writing my project. He steered me in the right direction to achieve the expected outcome within the timeline.” Ananthababu Chellaswamy, Research Topic - Role of Blockchain in Secure, Trusted Covid-19 Vaccine records and help to open border across countries, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Application Development Manager, Accenture.


“I would like to extend my appreciation to Mentor Alvin Lam for the support and advice as this dissertation’s supervisor. Mentor Alvin Lam has consistently provided me with feedback on improving the writings/structure and key points to take note for this dissertation.” Chee Wei Keong (Denver), Research Topic – Leadership Role In Cybersecurity Governance, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cybersecurity Leader.


“I thank Prof Alvin Lam who has been an excellent mentor to me. I appreciate his thoughtful guidance. I was fortunate to work with a supervisor who pointed me in the direction of the required academic article. HE also quickly answered my inquiries and supplied the data I needed. There’s a good chance I won’t be able to finish this dissertation module without his help and support.” Tay Zar Min, Research Topic – Cyber Infrastructure Security, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cybersecurity Leader.


“Working with Mr Alvin Lam on my dissertation has been a privilege. Without the guidance of my advisors, I would not have been able to complete my dissertation. The given guidelines were demystified. He has extensive knowledge of cyber-attacks and attack surface management. I feel fortunate to have him as my supervisor. He responded promptly to my questions regarding my dissertation to move forward.” Thurein Soe, Research Topic – Red Teaming and Cyber Attack Case Study (APT-38), Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cybersecurity Leader, Deloitte Singapore; EY Technology Solutions; Paypal.


“After an incredible year at the University of West London, during which I became familiar with new cybersecurity ideas, theoretical frameworks, techniques, and technologies, I had the privilege of collaborating with Mr. Alvin Lam on my master's thesis (my dissertation supervisor). I was able to compose this study report due to his extensive knowledge of cybersecurity and varied research methods. I would want to thank Mr. Alvin for giving me with invaluable assistance and direction throughout the completion of this dissertation. In addition, I would like to thank his remarks and conversations during and outside of class. Therefore, he merits an abundance of gratitude. This event was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.” Mohd Rashid Bin Mohd Yunus, Research Topic –What Happens If Your Server Room Is Not Secured? Access Control System for Server Room in Singapore’s Recycling Company, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cybersecurity Professional.


“The resources, guidance, support given over the past one year have contributed to my improvement and growth in cybersecurity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Alvin Lam, my supervisor for providing me with the guidance in developing this dissertation.” Govindasamy Ravichandran, Research Topic – Demographics Interface with Organization Information Security Policy Awareness and Compliance by Employees, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cybersecurity Professional.


“I am pleased to have Mr Alvin Lam as my dissertation supervisor who gives clear direction and support throughout the period of my dissertation writing. As a result, I am able to create this research paper without any moment of crashing against the wall.” Kwok Yew Wai Titus, Research Topic – Insufficient Cybersecurity awareness training for employee, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Cybersecurity Specialist.


“I want to thank everyone who helped me finish this paper from the bottom of my heart. I'm especially thankful to my dissertation advisor, Mr. Alvin Lam, whose knowledge, understanding, and kindness greatly helped me during graduate school. I'm very grateful for the help and support he or she has given me throughout this paper.” Saw Htut Aung, Research Topic – AI-Assisted Security Operations in Large Enterprises, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Senior Information Security Consultant, Trustwave, NCS Group, Starhub, Huawei.


“I would like to thank my dissertation supervisor, Mr. Alvin Lam, for his invaluable guidance and support throughout the research process. His feedback and constructive criticism have been crucial in shaping the direction of this dissertation and ensuring its successful completion.” Wong Chung Wai, Research Topic – Cyber ranges and testbeds for Cybersecurity training: Exploring their underlying issues, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Senior Information Security Professional.


“Expressing appreciation to Mr. Alvin Lam. Thank you for your expert assistance in the composition of my dissertation. I express sincere thanks for the support to the academic journey during my master's degree program” Zhong Qi, Research Topic – An Exploration of Critical Factors and Remedies for Data Protection in Financial Institutions in Singapore, Master of Science in Cyber Security, University of West London. Assistant Manager, CIC, CTBC, Deutsche Bank, HCL Technologies.

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Mike Filsaime

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From the Desk of Founder/CEO, Mike Filsaime:

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Be bold,

Mike Filsaime

P.S. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et.

P.P.S. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida.

P.P.P.S. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et. Praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida.

P.P.P.P.S. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis.

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Ut sed sollicitudin lorem. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tincidunt dolor vel mauris porttitor maximus. Etiam vulputate dictum metus. Cras elementum felis eu nisl malesuada volutpat.

Ut sed sollicitudin lorem. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tincidunt dolor vel mauris porttitor maximus. Etiam vulputate dictum metus. Cras elementum felis eu nisl malesuada volutpat.

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Alvin Lam Wee Wah Only Accepts a few Mentees Each Year!

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Listen to Alvin's Global Mentees Insights Gained

Alvin's Proven System That Simply Works For Developing Your Career and Indeed Your Life.

Ut sed sollicitudin lorem. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tincidunt dolor vel mauris porttitor maximus. Etiam vulputate dictum metus. Cras elementum felis eu nisl malesuada volutpat.

Ut sed sollicitudin lorem. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tincidunt dolor vel mauris porttitor maximus. Etiam vulputate dictum metus. Cras elementum felis eu nisl malesuada volutpat.

Ut sed sollicitudin lorem. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus tincidunt dolor vel mauris porttitor maximus. Etiam vulputate dictum metus. Cras elementum felis eu nisl malesuada volutpat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis.

Jamie Reading

Golden Academy Instructor


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  • Insert your frequently asked question here

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et.

  • Insert your frequently asked question here

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et.

  • Insert your frequently asked question here

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et.

Join the Golden Academy and


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Golden Academy instructor


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